Principal Investigator
Jay Oswald, Ph.D.
Assistant ProfessorSchool for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Arizona State University
Jay Oswald obtained his Bachelor (2004) and Master (2005) of Science degrees in
Mechanical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. From 2005 to 2006 he
was a consultant for NASA Glenn Research Center, where he worked on the
mechanical response and space environment effects on elastomeric docking seals. He
received a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University in 2011
under the supervision of Professor Ted Belytschko.
Research interests
Development of computational mechanics: finite element methods,
molecular dynamics, and multiscale methods for applications in MEMS,
materials failure analysis, and material design.
Current Graduate Students
Justin DakkaPh.D. student |
Ph.D. Students
Omid Eghlidos
Pawan Veeresh
Jing Hu
Minghao Liu
Yiyang Li
Xiao Liao
Rui Yuan
Vipin Agrawal